7 Ways To End Your Kid’s Stage Fright
7 Ways To End Your Kid’s Stage Fright
As much as parents enjoy seeing their children perform on stage, most children dread the prospect of going on stage in front of so many strangers. Having so much attention can be quite overwhelming and intimidating for the kids. Stage fright basically refers to the fear of performing something on stage, like speaking, dancing, acting, or anything, and feeling anxious about it. Even older adults and public speakers face stage fright, and it is perfectly normal to have this fear, but it should not hold back your kid from realizing his potential and experiencing new things.
Even though it might not be possible for your kid to overcome stage fright completely, there are still some things that parents can do to help them cope with it better. Here’s a list of some tips and tricks that will assist you in managing your kid’s stage fright.
1. Practice :
Practicing is one of the most effective ways to help your kid overcome stage fright. If an event is approaching and your kid is going to perform in it, it is best to start practicing beforehand. Help your kid prepare for the performance and let them perform at home first. You can even use their stuffed animals as the audience. Imagination is powerful, so ask your kid to visualize the audience in their mind while practicing at home. The more they practice, the more at ease they will feel. It will increase their confidence and make them feel more familiar with the performance.
2. Talk it out with them :
Talk to your kid about what makes them feel scared and triggers their anxiety. Listen attentively and communicate with them about the fears in their mind. When they let it all out, only then can they let their fears go. Try to address the worries and doubts in their minds. It is important to normalize stage fright and let them know that everyone feels it at some point, but it is possible to gather the courage and become stronger than their fear. Healthy communication with parents can be very beneficial for kids.
3. Feedback :
Before performing in the main event, it is good to analyze your kid’s performance on your own and look out for any areas of improvement. Give constructive feedback to your kids and show them how they can improve. Also, do not forget to appreciate them and give tons of uplifting feedback. This will encourage them to do better and boost their confidence. Quality feedback can be very useful, and it will allow the kid to feel more at home when they are performing on the actual occasion.
4. Affirmations :
Affirmations are the things we repeatedly say to ourselves that start affecting us. Positive affirmations allow us to do healthy self-talk and be kind to ourselves. It is a good way to deal with anxiety and boost confidence. Teaching your kid some affirmations for overcoming stage fright might actually be more useful than you think. For example, saying things like ‘’I am capable of doing this’’, ‘’I am stronger than my fear’’, and ”I’ll make it happen” will actually start to have a profound positive effect, and your mind will be able to release some tension.
5. Take it as a skill learning :
Public speaking and performing for an audience is a skill that builds over time. Tell your kid that no one is perfect in the beginning, and it is perfectly fine not to get everything right. Teach them to take it as mastering a skill and compare it to them learning to ride a bicycle or make a drawing. This will relax their minds and reduce anxiety. The more they practise and the more they experience, the better they will get at performing on stage.
6. Make them feel calm and good about themselves :
Calm their nerves by teaching them about deep breathing exercises. Teach them to inhale and exhale, and when they exhale, imagine that they are letting out all their fears and things that hold them back. It is a good idea to make your little one meditate before their performance, as it will make them feel more composed. Many times, kids are insecure about their looks and also think that their performance will not be good enough. Help them become well prepared before their performance and do your best to make their physical appearance as appealing as possible. When kids feel admired and good about themselves, they automatically get comfortable.
7. Do not look directly at the audience :
A very helpful tip for managing stage fright is to not look directly at the audience but rather look at the back. If the kids make eye contact with someone, it is easier for them to get distracted from their performance and start thinking about other things. For example, if someone is not paying attention and is busy on their phone, they might think that their performance is boring. They can also perceive different expressions wrongly, which can be a setback for them. A safe strategy is to look at the back while performing and not make direct eye contact with the audience.
Stage performances are not just an occasion of joy and pride for the parents and kids themselves, but are also an important part of growing up. Performing on a stage has many benefits for kids, like promoting teamwork, increasing individuality, boosting confidence, improving self-esteem, and unlocking their hidden talents. It reduces social anxiety and makes them better equipped to interact with strangers and deal with the world.
Fear is a part of human nature, and there is nothing shameful about feeling anxious or scared. However, our fears should not dictate our lives and stop us from living fully. It is possible to overcome them, and following the above-mentioned tips will come in handy if your kid is preparing for an upcoming stage performance. It is also possible to consult a professional for coaching and let them reach their peak potential.