Parenting in the Digital Age: Effective Communication and Collaboration
Parenting in the Digital Age: Effective Communication and Collaboration
Though the basic principles of parenting never change, in this digital age, the task of parenting has become all the more challenging
Consistent communication and active collaboration grounded on timeless values and principles of positive parenting are as effective in the digital age
Of the many roles a human being plays in this life, parenting is central to the very existence of humanity. Giving shape to personality and character, bringing up generations that can carry forward the true legacy of humanity is the most noble endeavour.
Parenting is not just among the most engaging responsibilities a person can have, it is also the most nourishing and fulfilling mission of a person’s life.
More than a responsibility and a burden, it is a state of being that is at the core of a person’s existence, so much so that a parent’s very presence proves to be nurturing for children.
Parenting calls for great sacrifices. Being wholeheartedly devoted to the balanced development and success of a child calls on parents to constantly develop and mould themselves, create a conducive nurturing environment at home and spend quality time with the children.
Parents also need to have a clear vision about the child’s future and the correct realisation of their position as the magnet around their children in order to have the right impact.
Holistic growth
Bringing up a child means ensuring holistic growth, which is more than just the physical growth and intellectual development of the child. It also includes spiritual nourishment and emotional balance.
Nurturing of the child into a well-rounded personality also includes developing their confidence, creativity and moral character.
Whatever the situation or the era, the basic principles of parenting never change, only the details differ. However, in this highly intrusive digital age, the task of parenting has become all the more challenging.
Despite the fact that the internet has literally invaded every corner of the modern household and the social media has become an extended part of the family life now, the fundamental role of parents and the goals of parenting remain unchanged.
Parental responsibilities
Though the settings have changed, parents are still required to nurture, protect, provide for, love and guide their children.
Open dialogue and communication continues to play a crucial role in understanding each other and establishing a better bond within the family.
Consistent communication and active collaboration grounded on timeless values and principles of positive parenting are as effective in the digital age.
Extending time-tested values to the online world is key to keeping the cyber space safe, limiting the risks faced by children.
One of the essential requirements of parenting in the digital age is to stay abreast with the technological advances in order to ensure safety of children’s online engagement.
Not understanding the technology means not having the complete realisation of the threats faced by the children in the virtual world. Inability to understand and discern the dangers means inability to protect the child.
Staying abreast
Staying updated with technology has become particularly important for parents, especially in the post pandemic world, when much of the education moved online.
Since the digital space has become an important space of learning, keeping abreast with the digital tools is essential for parents to ensure effective learning.
Even otherwise, being well-versed in tech is essential in the upbringing of our children as they grow up immersed in the virtual world, playing, interacting and getting entertained, apart from learning.
To keep up with the child’s tech experiences, if not to stay ahead of them, being involved with their experiences is necessary.
Getting to know what fascinates them, showing interest in their virtual experiences and communicating your thoughts on the pros and cons of the digital world by making it a part of your daily conversations are some of the key steps in effective communication and collaboration.
For this to happen, setting the right example of digital usage is as important as creating an environment of trust and balance.
Setting the example
Children grow up watching their parents and imitating their behaviour in all situations. Hence, it is important for parents to show them the way in every situation and become their role model.
Rather than instructing them regularly, curbing their instincts or forcing them to realign their behaviour, we have to focus on how we behave under various situations and adapt to the changing realities around us, so that they continue to imitate us in what is good for them!
We can’t expect them to have perfect behaviour, when we ourselves don’t set an example for them in how we use the technology or what limits we set for ourselves.
In order to ensure that they work on their behaviour and develop a positive and constructive relationship with the digital world, they need to see us doing the same!
Collective strategy
Having said that, the challenge is not a simple one and requires a multi-pronged strategy defined collectively by digital experts, policy makers, educationists, child psychologists as well as parents.
Parents across the world, especially in the societies with recent exposure to the Internet, are feeling extremely challenged in moderating their children’s behaviour around technology.
Children’s addiction to digital devices is affecting relationships, impacting their health and well being as well as destroying careers.
With the children having access to mobile devices, parents find it difficult to supervise. In the underdeveloped world, with parents having limited digital literacy, understanding the technologically-complex services has become a great challenge.
Parents are often the first providers of technology to their children, and hence need to fully understand what their children may encounter in the digital world.
As digital guardians, they need to be aware of things such as privacy settings on social media accounts, track, wherever appropriate, their child’s digital footprint, and set appropriate limits to their children’s online activities. Parents are also required to closely watch their own behaviours as they share data online and use devices throughout the day.