Promoting positive body image: fostering self-confidence in children
Promoting positive body image: fostering self-confidence in children
The range of influences that the children are exposed to constantly, often adversely impact their body image and self-esteem
It is highly imperative on parents and teachers to open up conversation about body image, providing them with the balanced understanding about wellbeing through dialogue and discourse.
The world we are living in right now has become the world of appearance and optics. Driven and consumed by images, people are becoming increasingly obsessed about how they appear. Obviously, our children are not immune to this rising tide of image obsession.
The range of influences that the children are exposed to constantly, often negatively impact their body image and self-esteem. These influences together form our children’s negative understandings of self worth.
Being born into the world of images and optics, where everything is judged by physical appearance, the millennials perceive everything through the lens of appearance and filters.
Driven by social media, peer pressure has taken an entirely new and more invasive meaning, impacting the attitudes and lifestyles of young people adversely.
Commercially driven, unrealistic beauty standards often force children to conform to the prevailing trends and their attempts to fit in usually prove to be disastrous.
As parents, educators and caregivers, it’s high time we stepped in and gracefully guided our children away from the dangers of falling prey to commercially driven beauty standards and obsessive image consciousness.
As caregivers, it is our responsibility to promote positive body image and self-esteem in children.
In this blog we aim to highlight the importance of fostering a healthy body image and self-esteem among children with practical strategies for achieving this goal.
So, what is body image?
Body image is the lens through which an individual perceives and feels about his or her body, which include their physical appearance, size, and shape. Self esteem is the subjective evaluation of self worth. Both are deeply interconnected, as how a child perceives herself impacts her overall well-being and human development.
Negative body image often leads to low self-esteem, which has grave impact on the holistic growth of the child, leading to a range of mental, emotional and social deficiencies. It also impacts the child’s academic performance, social participation and their overall appreciation of life.
One of the first steps that needs to be taken to counter the negative impact of image obsession is to change their perception and understanding around beauty.
Constantly fed by social media, modern children often develop unrealistic and harmful understanding of beauty, ideal body type, weight and shape.
That elusive quest for a perfect body or impeccable appearance can take a heavy toll on the confidence and well being of the children.
Avoiding this obsession for perfect appearance and constant need for appreciation is particularly challenging for teenagers. With the rapid physical, harmonal and emotional changes that the teenagers go through during this phase of life, maintaining a healthy body image becomes all the more challenging for them.
Here is what you can do to promote positive body image and self-esteem among children:
Obsessive image consciousness is a modern reality that we all face right now and naturally our children are growing up on this trend. Rather than shaming and preaching, our children need our compassion and empathy in dealing with these challenges.
It is essential for our children to have accurate and age-appropriate information about body image and the truth about social media.
It is highly imperative on parents and teachers to open up conversation about various body types, providing them with the balanced understanding about wellbeing and beauty through dialogue and discourse.
Role Models
Parents, educators and caregivers have an important role to play in shaping the children’s idea about beauty and self worth. By modelling positive body image, self-acceptance, and self-care behaviours, adults can inspire children to develop a healthy relationship with their bodies.
Adults need to be careful about how they talk about and treat their own bodies to make sure the children don’t develop wrong notions about their bodies.
Healthy lifestyle
Rather than focusing solely on appearance, promote an overall healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activities, experiences that bring joy and balanced nutrition.
Encourage participation in sports activities that do not have weight or body shape restrictions, this will help promote a healthy self-esteem and a positive body image.
Emphasise the importance of actively choosing healthy food options and experiences that bring joy. Regularly explain the importance of having a healthy, balanced diet.
Consistently foster moments of togetherness and encourage children to engage in activities they enjoy. Participate in and provide a variety of options catering to different interests and abilities.
Inner strength
It is essential for the children to understand that being human is not just about good appearance, but what qualities they posses and develop within themselves is more important developing a beautiful character.
As much as highlighting the importance of physical well being, have regular conversations about spiritual and emotional wellbeing.
Shifting focus from external appearance to inner qualities and strengths is the key in this regard. One way of doing this is to constantly encourage children to identify and celebrate their unique talents, skills, and qualities.
Seeking appreciation is natural for humans, help children pursue activities they excel in, which will make them feel good about themselves.
Beyond control
As they grow up, it is essential for the children to understand that certain physical and physiological changes that they go through are beyond their control. With age our body changes and naturally there will be weight gains and loses depending on body types and hormonal surges. It is essential for teenagers to understand that pubertal changes vary from individual to individual and comparing its effects from person to person could be dangerous. Parents have a great role to play here.
Resilience is a key virtue to have to cope up with societal pressures and challenges and we should help our children develop this quality.
It is essential for parents to teach their children how to handle problems and pressures, how to balance emotions, and how to effectively communicate. Equipped with these essential tools, our children can develop a strong sense of self and better handle negative influences.
Healthy friendships
Choosing friends wisely is highly important in the overall growth of a human being. In this context, it is essential for children to have friends who accept and support them for who they are. Having friends who have healthy relationships with their own bodies can be a healthy influence.
Positive social connections and relationships with people who appreciate each other goes a long way in shaping the right mindsets among children.
Help your child choose inclusive environments that celebrate diversity and foster a sense of belonging. An environment that teaches our children to empathise with others, where people are being compassionate and respectful to each other, promoting a culture of kindness and acceptance is essential in developing the positive body image and self worth.
Media literacy
With our children now constantly consuming social media content, it is essential for them to have the tools and the critical mindset to evaluate the content for what it is.
Apart from limiting social media use and helping our children choose the right kind of content, it is the job of parents and teachers to encourage discussions about media influence and help them develop media literacy skills to navigate media content effectively.
Other than Social media, movies, TV shows, magazines and advertisements also often suggest that only a certain body type or skin colour is acceptable. Children should should be trained to develop the ability to see through such messaging and avoid such content.
Seek help
Despite all efforts from your side, if you feel that your child is struggling with an unhealthy body image, consider consulting a child psychologist or a mental wellbeing professional. The idea is not to find fault with the children or overwhelm them with expert advice, but to equip the children with the tools needed to counter social pressure and feel good about their body.
Children usually pick all their ideas about life and wellbeing from what they see around them. The key to promoting a healthy lifestyle among our children is for the parents and teachers to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Promoting positive body image and self-esteem is a collective effort involving all stakeholders in the children’s life. Only a holistic approach aided by a supportive environment can help children effectively counter negative influences around them.