The impact of parental involvement on academic success
The impact of parental involvement on academic success
Active parenting is key to the better academic performance of children
Parental involvement in children’s learning, particularly at the elementary stage, is essential for a successful academic journey
Generally, most parents would like to think that they are devoted to their children and are doing enough for their children’s growth and prosperity.
But, the question is how much is enough to have the right impact on our children? How much of our time and attention is enough to mould their character in the best shape possible?
How much of our involvement is ideal to give our children the necessary support and the right direction?
Do you ever question yourself along these lines?
Do you ever introspect on your relationship with your children and the kind of influence you have on them?
Do you set the right examples? Does your presence prove motivational for your children in pursuing their dreams and learning goals?
Many parents might argue that since they exhaust their lives providing for their children’s needs, such as food, shelter, clothing and schooling, they are doing enough for their children.
Many parents would also argue that they don’t have extra time to spend with their children after having worked long hours every day earning their livelihood.
It is true that most parents are melting away their precious lives to ensure their children have a better future.
But, the question is, are you doing enough? Will mere fulfilling of their daily needs ensure their bright future? Will only enrolling them to ‘good schools’ ensure their academic success?
What is Parenting?
Parenting is not just about providing your kids with the best resources, it is more about offering them the best of your love, affection, emotions, wit, humour, compassion, counsel and understanding!
Parenting is more about being there, when the children need you, and they need you more often than not. No governess, matron, maid or teacher can replace a parent. No babysitter will be devoted enough. No friend will be selfless enough.
Parenting is not something anyone can buy, neither there is an alternative to it, nor any replacement. Parenting is selfless devotion!
Parents, especially mothers, are central to the development of individuals, who in turn build the societies and nations. This is the reason why mothers have always had an elevated status in most ancient cultures. This status doesn’t come only by giving birth to children and providing for their material needs.
Prioritising them, nurturing them, establishing a bond of friendship with them, giving space to their emotions and eccentricities, making them feel valued and appreciated, accepting their failures as well as their successes would help them grow as balanced, confident and responsible individuals.
Quality of Life
A society is not just about rights and duties, it is not just about our academic and professional performances. A society is defined by the quality of life it offers and the space it offers for individual contributions. Since, a home is a microcosm of the society, we need to establish at home the same set of values that we want to see in our society.
What is the quality of life we offer to our children at home? What are their lived experiences? Are their lives gauged and measured only by their academic performances? Is this the only conversation that we have with our children?
A balanced household with a fair dose of dignity and empathy, responsibility and commitment goes a long way in ensuring balanced development of children, which includes better academic performance.
So, parenting is not what the best your money can buy, it’s
the best of what you have got! Your time! It is more about building the ideal atmosphere at home and around it, for the balanced development of your children.
Give the best of your time and efforts to your children, and you will see the result!
Backed by Research
Most psychologists and educationists suggest that our considered involvement in the child’s daily experiences ensures balanced development of the child, which in turn helps their academic progress immensely. A loved, appreciated and valued child is more likely to perform better academically than a child that is neglected and under appreciated.
According to most researchers, irrespective of the personality type, social background and level of education, parents are best placed to shape and develop their children into motivated, inspiring and confident people with their direct and measured involvement in their learning activities.
Parents can play such a huge role because of the influence and authority they have at home, and the positive use of this naturally endowed position has a massive impact.
Contrary to this, parents with little involvement or those who are negligent about their children’s learning process prove to be demotivating and demoralising.
By getting more enthusiastically involved in their children’s education, both at home and in school, parents make their priorities clear to their children.
By their actions and active involvement parents demonstrate their interest in their children’s activities, strengthening the idea that learning is most important.
Studied Approach
Studies have shown that active involvement of parents in their children’s education impacts their attitude towards their learning, developing positive behaviour and creating more seriousness among children.
Studies have also shown that children of parents who are more involved are more regular to school, more punctual in their activities and more consistent in their performances.
A series of studies published by the Journal of Educational Psychology, The School Community Journal, School Psychology Review and other peer reviewed journals has shown that parental involvement in a child’s early education is positively associated with the child’s academic performance.
Research has also shown that those schools that ensure greater involvement of parents in school activities and their broader educational policies have proven to be more successful in making students better performers.
Parental involvement in early education is specifically important and key to building a strong base for life-long learning.
Studies published by Harvard Educational Review and Sociology of Education have confirmed the role of parents in early education going a long way in establishing a successful learning journey for children.
Parents in Schools
Stimulating and responsive parenting practices are especially effective in setting the right approach and attitude.
Realising the importance of parental involvement in the educational process, more and more reputed schools across the world are making integrated efforts to include parents in academic activities of schools.
Policy makers and school governing bodies in many countries are now looking at specific parenting practices with respect to their impact on children’s academic performance. Their aim is to encourage and promote these best practices among the larger community in order to ensure academic success of children across the board.
Word of Caution
Like in all aspects of life, balance is essential in the pursuit of excellence in responsive parenting. Though, parental involvement in education and schooling is encouraged, over involvement could also have an adverse impact in the development of the child.
The idea is to participate while not being an imposition. The purpose is to add value, while not making them over-reliant on our spoon-feeding all the time. The goal is to guide and nudge whenever required, while not handholding all the time. It’s a tricky business, but it’s a challenge worth taking up for the better future of our children!