Our Chess Wizards
Sherwood High believes competition is a healthy process, that allows students to sharpen their skills, work towards achieving their goals, recognise their talent and also to help them strive for success. We encourage all the students to take part in more and more competitions, to polish their abilities and have some fun and create memories.
Paul Morphy said, Unlike other games in which lucre is the end and aim, [chess] recommends itself to the wise by the fact that, its mimic battles are fought for no prize but honour. It is eminently, and emphatically the philosopher’s game.
Options Conceptual Services Young Warriors Pvt Ltd conducted the 10th edition of Inter-house lighting league chess tournament on 26th November
2019 at Sherwood high campus. They had categorized the tournament in three groups of Sub Junior, Junior & Senior.
The competition was held for grades I to IX, a total number of 56 students competed. Students engaged in the game with practice and determination.
They gave every participant 5mins on the clock on every round; students had their best foot forward. The game started with the knock out matches, semi-finals and finale for each group category.
After a nail-biting competition the winners were announced, all the participants received participation certificates to boost their morale and encourage them to keep participating. The winners had trophies handed out to them; in the sub-junior category the 1st spot was secured by Shamanth, the 2nd spot was taken by Vansh and the 3rd spot was taken by Ajoy. In the Junior category, Disha B secured 1st place, Shashank took the 2nd place with Ritesh taking the 3rd place and Namith was given a consolation prize. In the senior category, Aarush held the 1st spot, Anirudh the 2nd spot and Saharsh 3rd spot.
The winners will have an exciting chance to compete with players selected from other schools in the Grand Finale of Young Warriors Lighting league chess tournament in January 2020.
Wish All our students Very Best of Luck.