10 tips for happy parenting
10 tips for happy parenting
All parents want what’s best for their children. It’s no secret that parenting is one of the hardest jobs, and each parent has their own unique style and beliefs in raising their children. Irrespective of what your style of parenting or the current age of your baby is, there are some things that you can do as a parent that will help you master the complex art with some ease.
At Sherwood high, we believe that happy parents raise happy children, with positive behavior. In this blog, we will see some ways you can help your children thrive and be happy with some of these parenting techniques.
1. Be present:
It is true that as parents we need to plan for the future, for the benefit of our family and children. However, it is also important to not always think about the future and lose track of the present. Remember to try and enjoy moments with your children right now.
This means giving undivided attention to your children when they need you. Communicating well with your children is vital if you want them to grow successful and be happy. You will have to put aside your electronic devices or your work and really listen to what they have to say and respond thoughtfully so that it will encourage your children to be more communicative and open with you.
It is especially true as your children grow older and more mature, as there could be times when your children disagree with your ideas and decisions. At times like such, have open-minded discussions where you can both try to understand each other’s point of view, to be on the same page, and make things work.
2. Do not compare:
Comparison is not at all a healthy parenting tool. By comparing yourself or your children to others, you will only make yourself and your family discontented and unhappy.
Keep in mind that what others are doing is not important to you, as each person is different and has unique skills and talents along with parenting styles and techniques.
3. Set limits early and gently:
Limits should be set at the first whiff of an off-track behavior. You must do this before things can get aggravated and your kids start taking things for granted.
Setting limits can be done tenderly, cordially, and even playfully, but make sure that it is abundantly clear that you are in charge of the rules. Remember that your children want to have a good relationship with you, so you do not have to use a stern voice or intimidate them, you can rather say things gently and warmly.
4. Be a happy person yourself:
Emotional problems in children are often linked with emotional problems in parents. Unhappy people are said to be less effective as parents as well, according to psychologists Carolyn and Philip Cowan, “happy parents are more likely to have happy children.”
You must make a conscious effort to figure out what makes you happy or what things give you the most satisfaction and pleasure. Understand what you can do to cultivate more joy and happiness in your life and make it a point to do that.
5. Ask for help:
Your work as parent needs and deserves a lot of support from the family, your parents, friends, employers, and the surrounding community. So when you are over your head in situations and have absolutely no idea what to do or how to handle things, ask for help.
There are high possibilities of thousands of parents have felt what you are feeling right now and would have gone through something similar, so by reaching out and asking for help, you will have many ideas as to what has worked for somebody and could also work for you.
6. Play!:
We just cannot explain to you how much joy one can derive from playing with your children. Many studies have described how playtime is essential for children’s learning and growth.
Apart from you being part of their play, also give your children more time to play; what we mean here is not digital games or games on their phones and iPads, but unstructured playtime which is preferably outdoors.
Research also shows that less unstructured playtime can lead to developmental issues related to physical, social, emotional, and mental well-being in children.
7. Forgive, ask forgiveness, and teach forgiveness:
Children mess up sometimes, so do adults, remember that mistakes are part of growing. When your children are in the wrong or they make mistakes, forgive them and let them know that you forgive them.
It is also important to make sure you admit to your errors and ask them for their forgiveness when necessary, as parenting with guilt only leads to unhappiness.
According to Dr. Martin Seligman, forgiveness is a key element that leads to happiness in children, and unforgiveness has even been linked to depression and anxiety.
Teaching children to forgive will help them turn negative feelings about the past into positive ones, which will increase their levels of happiness and satisfaction in life. You can do this by modeling forgiveness yourself; this does not limit to your children, but also in general against people who have wronged you. Take initiatives to resolve personal conflicts and discuss the importance of forgiveness with your children.
8. Compliment your children:
Find something to praise your children every day. This can be something small and insignificant some days, and some days can be something quite essential. Complementing your children will not only make them feel better and increase their morale but also make you feel good about your parenting skills.
9. Look at the big picture:
What we mean here is the importance of focusing on the process rather than the result.
It is said that parents who overemphasize achievements are more likely to raise children who have psychological issues. As Dr. Carol Dweck’s research shows, children who concentrate on effort and attitude–not on the desired result–end up attaining greater success in the long run.
So keep looking out for opportunities to acknowledge your children’s efforts. It could be a good attitude, good behavior, academic progress, basically anything that is significant and deserves encouragement.
10. Give children the freedom of choices and let them be themselves:
It is important to understand that everyone is different, so let your children be themselves.
Children are individual beings with their own set of uniqueness and differences, acknowledge this and celebrate their differences.
It is also important that kids learn how to make decisions for themselves. Though indeed, you cannot allow them to decide on anything and everything, you can allow them to have choices of positive items and safe spaces. It is good to let them choose from agreeable options for holiday games dinners or how they want to spend their family time as giving children some control is good and necessary.