Why should you introduce newspaper reading habits in your child?
Why should you introduce newspaper reading habits in your child?
When it comes to reading newspapers, it is often assumed that it is an activity for adults. But the truth is that newspaper is often a neglected medium of entertainment and learning for kids. If it seems hard to inculcate newspaper reading as a daily habit in your child, start by making this a once-a-week activity. The Sunday newspapers especially have a lot more content that also caters to the interests of children. Let’s look at some of the reasons why newspaper reading habits can be useful for your children.
Enhances Reading Comprehension
Reading newspapers is a great way to develop reading ability in your child. Whether you are reading an English newspaper or a Hindi newspaper, reading it is sure to help your child get a command over the language. Consuming so much content on a variety of different subjects will also increase your child’s vocabulary. It is good to keep a dictionary when your child is reading the newspaper. Whenever they encounter a new word, let them open the dictionary and find its meaning. This is an incredible way to improve the children’s vocabulary, and this will also make them learn how to use a dictionary. Another way is to make a list of all the new words while reading the newspaper and search for the meanings after finishing the reading if you prefer not to interrupt the child’s reading activity.
Enhances Writing Capability
Before becoming a good writer, it is vital to become a good reader. Reading newspapers helps children to improve their writing skills. The increased vocabulary makes their expression better. They can express their ideas and opinions more creatively and clearly. Regular newspaper reading habits can also help your children to become professional writers in the future. It will develop their interest in writing and polish their skills.
General Knowledge and Current Affairs
The newspaper covers many subjects like weather conditions, geography, gardening, real estate, entertainment, literature, etc. It also keeps us updated about current affairs and informs us about national and international news. Children can learn a lot from this. There will be many things present in the newspaper that they will not learn from their textbooks or in their classrooms.
Increased Exposure and Better Critical Thinking
Since newspapers cover such a large variety of subjects like weather, natural disasters, crimes, and local and global politics, it will tremendously increase your child’s exposure. Children often read fantasy stories, and while fantasy and imagination are necessary, it is also crucial to help the child get an idea about the real world. The increased exposure will also develop critical thinking in your child. After all, education and learning are not just about cramming facts and absorbing information. Real learning happens when children are taught how to use their minds. Getting educated in the true sense means opening children’s minds and teaching them how to think and not what to think.
Develops Focus and Concentration
Children have little attention spans, and most children have difficulty concentrating on one thing as they get distracted quite easily. Reading a newspaper and getting engrossed in it will help children improve their concentration power and focus. This will also instill patience in them as this activity sure requires both attention and patience.
Children are naturally very curious and have a habit of asking a lot of questions. When they will read about so many subjects, it will stir their curiosity, and it is a no-brainer that you should be ready to answer their questions. Make sure you are present with them while they are reading so that whatever question comes to their mind, you can answer them appropriately. Curiosity in children should be appreciated and encouraged as it is an important part of learning. When children’s curiosity is entertained, they are more likely to explore and become better problem solvers.
Interesting Visuals
Most newspapers contain high-quality pictures. They contain many professionally taken photographs, works of art, and comics. Children are attracted to such interesting visuals, and these pictures alone can play a great role in developing their newspaper reading habits. These visuals also contribute to children’s learning as these pictures present some perspectives and are open to multiple interpretations.
Quality Time
The newspaper reading habit is also a great way to spend quality time with your children. Education and learning are important for children, and so is their emotional well-being. While education helps in expanding their minds and contributes to their personal growth, spending quality time with their parents improves their mental health. Just as children’s intellectual growth is focused upon, their emotional well-being should also be prioritized.
How to Develop Newspaper Reading Habit in Your Child
Make it interesting: the first step in developing this habit is to make this a fun activity. You can not expect your children to be interested in reading a newspaper if they only see it as a boring piece of paper. Make sure you are present with them when they are reading, and start by giving them the pages that are most likely to catch their attention. Many newspapers have riddles, jokes, puzzles, crosswords, and comics that can help to draw their attention to newspapers.
Make it a routine: when you are trying to develop it as a habit, it is better to make it a routine. Whether you do this activity daily or weekly, try to make a routine and stick to it. This way, the children will already be expecting to read and will be mentally prepared.
Do not force: one thing to keep in mind is never to force your child to read a newspaper. Being patient is the key. If children are forced, they will quickly lose interest, and there is no way they will see it as a fun activity.
The newspaper reading habit has a lot of benefits for children, and this tool of learning should not be ignored. Make sure to be present with your children while they are reading because newspapers contain many kinds of content. It is crucial to ensure that your children are reading age-appropriate things. Also, in this era of technology, children’s screen time has drastically increased. It is better to give them a hard copy of a newspaper rather than a digital one.